Sunday, July 15, 2012

Outcomes of Workshops

Here are the outcomes of some of the workshops:

- Social Banking

- Alternative Energy Supply

- Coup d'Etat

- Shale Gas / Schiste Gas

- Political Situation in Turkey

- The Struggle of Laz Language

- Privatizations and Cuts

- Anti-Nuclear Struggle

- Compost for the City

- Useless Projects

- Hydroelectric Power Plants in Brazil and north of Turkey

- Struggles and Attacks in the 21st Century

Report: Struggles and Attacks in the 21st Century

Is the problem capitalism or industrialism?
Industrialism in “socialist” was still based on the capitalist model. It is capitalism that inevitable destroys the environment.
What solutions are proposed within capitalism and why are these not viable
a) A market in “permits to pollute”: ineffective and treats climate as a commodity
b) A green “new deal”: still depends on growth
c) Techno-fixes like carbon capture & storage or African solar farms: too big and often imperialist
Capitalism will not allow ecological solutions because og its need for growth and its short term pursuit of profit.
Are there viable alternative solutions
A complete model of the solution, a green socialist society, is not possible. Principles include:
sustainability, , no delibeate obsolescence, lowing down, common ownership, no profit motive, localism, direct democracy, self government. Solutions cannot be mediated by money.

Report: Hydroelectric Power Plants in Brazil and north of Turkey

The outcome of Hydroelectric Power Plants in Brazil and north of Turkey

[Portuguese a baixa]

In this discussion it was possible to discuss different dam projects in Brazil and Turkey with different objectives, but with many features in common. The expansion project of the Brazilian government energy generates an incalculable environmental and social impact in the Amazon region, and there are indications that this energy expansion will not be restricted to Brazil, as other Latin countries as Bolivia, Peru and others also need to generate more power.

Through this exchange of experiences was shown a partnership between resistance groups in Turkey who are fighting against the installation of dams on one of its major rivers, as well as in Brazil is building an integrated group around the resistance against the installation of the largest dams of history of the Amazon. This effort to link the fight in defense of the four Amazonian rivers, which must undergo this process, and the two Turkish rivers is very important to amplify the strength of this campaign.

Nesta discussão foi possível discutir diferentes projetos de barragens no Brasil e na Turquia com diferentes objetivos, mas com muitas características em comum. O projeto de expansão energética do governo brasileiro gera um impacto ambiental e social incalculável na região amazônica, e há indicações de que esta expansão energética não ficará restrita ao Brasil, pois outros países latinos como Bolívia, Peru entre outros também precisam gerar mais energia.

Através desta troca de experiências foi sinalizada uma parceria entre grupos de resistência na Turquia que lutam contra a instalação de barragens em um dos seus principais rios, assim como no Brasil está se formando um grupo integrado em torno da resistência contra a instalação das maiores barragens da história da Amazônia. Este esforço de ligar a luta em defesa dos quatro rios amazônicos, que devem sofrer este processo, e os dois rios turcos é de suma importância para amplificar a força desta campanha.

Report: Useless Projects

The outcome of Useless Projects (Struggle Against the Notre Dame des Landes Airport) - Les Alternatifs

The establishment a new airport at NDDL means the destruction of 2000 ha of agricultural land and the dismantling of farms and their households. It is a useless project without economic results which denies democracy. Against it almost 40 organizations (trade unions, parties, inhabitants of the area, users' associations.. and the alternatifs) joined forces in order to provide legal and psychological support. How do the Alternatifs see their role in this coordination? They have enlarged the local struggle (music festival, mass pic-nic..) making it to a national and political concern, so that the usual disparaging comments “They are only a few inhabitants, a few greens” could be avoided.

1.The struggle went through different organizations and fought for unity in a big meeting at NDDL.
2.The Alternatifs gave a national and international resonance by inviting famous personalities.
3.We asked the coordinate at the presidential elections to commit themselves to an abolition of this project
4.1000 elected representatives set up a venture to raise money for a new independent survey which led to the same results as ours.
5.It took a hunger strike lasting 28 days involving representations, inhabitants and peasants to obtain the suspension of land evictions as François Hollande was made to promise such a step.
6.And now we this project to other useless projects through a European Forum which is taking place from the of July at NDDL itself.

Report: Compost for the City

The outcome of Compost for the City - Consumers' Rights Association, Mersin

We are from Consumers Rights Association's in Mersin. We're looking for solutions to make organic surface of the cities into the compost. In 2005,we started the project for compost and our movement centers are our schools and women. For separates organic items for compost, we have communicated NGOs, organizations, associations, foundations, some places which supply food only. We gave them seminars have to separate organic surface for compost. Also, we applied some examples in schools. Now, we've signature campaign municipalities to support and take responsibility. We continued this project along with universities. ETO( Organic Agree-Cultural Organizations) and ECOTAR ( Control and Certificate of Ecological Agree-Cultural Organizations). During the workshop, we have listened and learned experiences about compost from foreigner participator which are very important infos we believe. For example, in the santral separation compost building. If the oxygen level pass the %50, there might be an explosion.

Report: Anti-nuclear Struggle

The outcome of Anti-Nuclear Struggles - SOS Istanbul, Yeşil ve Sol, RAGA Spain

There is an anti-nuclear struggle in Spain against a construction project of a nuclear waste deployment. In local terms, it will destroy the recently emerging ecological agriculture in the region and accelerate the ongoing emigration from the region. Although the nuclear lobby is running a big campaign involving the media and the government, the nationwide campaign has a strong tradition and considers the project as an opportunity to highlight the shift of power to bigger enterprises as well as underlining the ecological destruction of nuclear power in general.

On the other hand, the Anti-nuclear Platform in Turkey had a 20-year struggle against the first nuclear power plant project in the country. The projects were suspended 10 years ago, but were reintroduced by the current government, who shows a determined attitude towards the two projects, one on the north and one on the south. The main argument of the anti-nuclear movement is that the projects are located in earthquake locations.

Report: Privatizations and Cuts

The outcome of

La Mancha is rural without historical political struggle until recently. 2011's public service cuts in health and education mobilized people not previously politically engaged, ie school children's parents.

The biggest of 7 street demonstrations involved 4000 people from Villarobledo. Workers from different organizations headed the movement in turn so it remained “democratically horizontal”. This approach engendered no new organizing body although other meetings resulted in some being co-opted into trade unions so they left the movement.

Others remained in the movement. In conclusion, although their claims were not heard, many people reached a higher level of consciousness and will remain in the movement. They will hopefully find new ways through direct action of challenging bureaucracy.

Report: The Struggle of Laz Language

The outcome of The Struggle of Laz Language - Laz Derneği

The Laz language is among southern Caucasian languages, written with a Latin-originated alphabet of 35 letters. The struggle of the Laz language came into public agenda with the emergence of the music band Zuğaşi Berepe in 1993. Also in 1993, one of the major steps in this struggle is the publication of Ogni magazine. The main axis of the struggle is with the foundation of the Laz Culture Association in 2008.

Report: Political Situation in Turkey

The outcome of Political Situation in Turkey - Özgürlük ve Dayanışma Partisi (Freedom and Solidarity Party)

When the nature of AKP's government is analyzed, it would be seen that it is a continuation of the military intervention in 1980. It applied the neoliberal policies with its social-ideological hegemony. Meanwhile, it had done away all power relations and established the 2.Republic regime. The citizens of this new republic are designed to be submissive, religious and hateful. The regime highlights limitless market mechanisms and cooperation with the US in the Middle East. Its reflections to Turkish people are human rights violations, poverty, and ecological degradation. Also the active cooperation policies in the Middle East threaten the peace opportunities.

Report: Shale gas / Schiste gas

The world is running out of oil & gas. Capitalism has a huge investment in oil/gas infrastructure and use, so tries sources that are more difficult and more expensive, such as schiste gas. Traditional oil and gas is in large continuous fields, easy to drill into.  Schiste gas distributed in millions of tiny separate pockets. It is extracted by drilling down, then along horizontally, breaking up the rock formations, pumping in water & chemicals, and pumping out the gas.

Bad effects include:
- poisoning the ground and the water supply with chemicals (they will not disclose what chemicals they use)
- releasing methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas causing global warming
- changing the geological structure, causing earthquakes
- impact of thousands of surface well-heads

An underlying problem is that, if it were successful, schiste gas would lock us in to using fossil fuels, generating greenhouse gases, for a long time.

In France there is a powerful (but unevenly distributed) mobilisation against schiste gas, strongest in the south east (a demonstration of 20,000 in a village), based on citizens and local collectives, and acknowledged by political parties. Fifty municipalities have declared against schiste gas.Over 60 exploration licences have been granted. A law of July 2011 prohibits fracking – but the government has revoked nonky only three licences so far..

There is schiste gas, and interest in extracting it, in much of the rest of Europe, from Sweden to Hungary to Spain. Most governments favour schist gas at least in principle. Poland has large amounts and would like less dependence on Russia. Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria would like more energy independence.

In Bulgaria exploration started in 2009 but has now been halted by protests. In Romania exploration has been stopped. Germany has paused exploration for further study by a commission. In Britain, exploration has been paused for further study of the seismic impact, after earthquakes caused by fracking.

In the USA there are over a million production wells.

Since the international water alternative summit in March 2012, a European network against fracking has been set up, with another meeting in, Sep 2012. The people’s summit in rio in June 2012 issued a resolution signed by dozens of people with the support of a score of organisations.

In France, a defensive struggle – the fight against schiste gas – poses the question of transition to different forms of energy. The defensive fight moves into a constructive phase..

Report: Coup d'Etat

Outcome of Coup d'Etat - Platform of 12 September & COMPA

The representer of the platform of 12 September, İlke Acar told about the process of cart and its evolution. Also background of military coup and the importance of court were mentioned by her.

The parliamentary Coup D'etat which occurred in Paraguay on the 22nd of June is essentially declined to comfort the power of the oligarchy and (yo) empower the Agra-business corporations. After the several attempts in Ecuador and Bolivia, and particularly three years after the coup d'etat in Honduras, it forecasts a new cycle of destabilization toward changing oriented processes in Latin America in order to protect leading classes interests and gain control over natural resources.


A law suit has been brought against the military officers who made the military coup in 12 Sep 1980. It is backed by actions including demonstrations, vigils and legal support. Much support from the families of those killed. The question is who should try them: AKP court v revolutionary court


The USA traditionally controlled Latin America by military coups (eg ‘64 Brazil, ‘73 Chile)
characterised by neo-liberalism and state violence. From the ‘90s there were more democratic governments and left governments. In ’08 in Honduras there was a military/constitutional coup. In ’12 in Paraguay there was a constitutional coup against a popular president with little congressional support. The USA seeks control of a major water resource across Paraguay, Brazil & Argentina.

Report: Alternative Energy Supply

This cooperative has 10000 members. As in France in 2004 energy supply was declared as free, renewable energy could be sold through the public network. Local organizations look for new producers. The benefits of the year are invested in new projects for clean energy but the state brakes: at the beginning of “the free market” you could not abandon the new supplier which you had chosen. Now you may and the state prefers to give money to individuals who buy a technical pump than to finance projects for clean energy.

Report: Social Banking

The output of Social Banking and Alternative Energy Supply - Les Alternatifs

The first question was: how can a bank be social? Or alternative?

On this French Bank there are 26 000 members who have a capital of 24 Million Euros. In theory, each member has a voice and can decide on the bank's development. In each region there are members who choose which projects they encourage. This bank is not involved in financial projects worldwide, it has an ethical purpose: to build a bridge between savers and borrowers who carry sustainable meeting cultural, social, and ecological criteria and local development. Members have to pay a beginning share and they can use La Nef as a normal bank with a current account but members are asked to share the interests with the borrowers, so that borrowers have percentage interests to pay, they just pay the capital back. The savers have a tax relief.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Program



(version05, July 4th)

Here are some of the debates and workshops:

- The struggles against the privatizations and cuts in the public services in the area of Villarrobledo (La Mancha, Spain) [Espanol]

- The movement of "Indignants" [Espanol]

- Acting direct - creative and sensible

- Struggles and Attacks in the 21st Century [Türkçe]

- Struggle Against the Notre Dame des Landes Airport

- Consum'actions Facing Crisis

- Shale Gas

- Privatization of Water

- Autogestion / Self-government

- Recolonization and Popular Struggles Against Merchandisation of Natural Common Goods in Our America   [Castellano , Français ]

- New Forms of Dissent in Eastern Europe

- Social Banking and Alternative Energy Supply

- Unemployment Compensation

- The European March of the Unemployed

and the assemblies (in draft):

- Red and Green: Pseudo-contradiction, Background or Superficial Convergence and the Democratic Mediation

- What Kind of Red and Green Network

- Network Project and Common Initiatives

Las luchas contra las privatizaciones y los recortes en los servicios públicos en el área de Villarrobledo (La Mancha, estado español): cómo se ha construido un movimiento de base para la lucha en un área rural.

Grupo que promueve la sesión: Núcleo de Los Alternativos – Alternativa Roja y Verde en La Mancha (Estado español)

Descripción de la sesión:

En los últimos meses se han extendido las movilizaciones contra las privatizaciones y los recortes por todo el Estado español. Con la excusa de la crisis, los diversos gobiernos (central, regional,...) han desarrollado una ofensiva sin precedentes contra todos los derechos de los trabajadores y los ciudadanos.

En ese contexto, en el área de Villarrobledo (un área rural con muy escasa tradición de movilizaciones en los pasados años) se ha desarrollado un potente movimiento de luchas, horizontal y basado en asambleas. Un movimiento en el que hemos confluido compañeros de muy diversos sectores y planteamientos previos. Pero que ha sido capaz de aglutinar a miles de personas que han roto con la apatía tradicional y se han echado a las calles en muchas manifestaciones

Tipo de sesión: Testimonio

Duración de la sesión: 1 hora (incluyendo exposición de la experiencia y debate)

The struggles against the privatizations and cuts in the public services in the area of Villarrobledo (La Mancha, Spain): how is constructed a based-movement of struggles in a rural area.

The host organization: Group of The Alternatives – Red and Green Alternative in La Mancha (Spanish State)

The description/explanation of the session
In the last months the mobilizations against the privatizations and the cuts have spread over the whole spanish State. With the excuse of the crisis, the diverse governments (central, regional...) have developed an offensive without precedents against all the rights of the workpeople and the citizens.
In this context, in the area of Villarrobledo (a rural area with very limited tradition of mobilizations in the last years) has developed a powerful movement of struggles, horizontal and based on assemblies. A movement in which we have come together companions of very diverse sectors and stances previous. But that has been capable of agglutinating thousands of persons who have broken with the traditional apathy and have thrown themselves to the streets in many demonstrations.

The type of the session: Testimony

The anticipated duration of the session: 1 hour (including exposition of the experience and debate)

Note: The session is in Spanish and will be translated.

El movimiento de los Indignados

Organización que promueve la sesión: Núcleo de Los Alternativos – Alternativva Roja y Verde en el estado español

Descripción de la sesión 

Análisis sobre el movimiento indignado. ¿Qué ha aportado este movimiento al proceso de lucha contra la crisis? ¿Cuáles son sus fortalezas y sus limitaciones hasta el momento? ¿Qué implicaciones tiene el lema “No nos representan”?

Tipo de sesión: Breve exposición y Debate

Duración de la sesión: 15-20 minutos de exposición. Después el debate

The movement of “Indignants”

The host organization: Group of The Alternatives – Red and Green Alternative in La Mancha (Spanish state)

The description/explanation of the session
Analysis on the indignant movement. What has contributed this movement to the process of struggle against the crisis? What are its fortitude and its limitations up to the moment? What implications does the motto have “they don´t represent us”?

The type of the session: Brief exposition and Debate

The anticipated duration of the session: 15-20 minutes of exposition. Later the debate

Note: The workshop will be in Spanish and will be translated.

Acting direct – creative and sensible

The name of the person that promotes the session: Tobias
The description/explanation of the session
In the workshop I will tell about different kinds of direct political actions. I would like to invite you to share your examples.

I want to talk about experiences with the preparation of direct actions and share some thoughts and discussions from the Green Anarchist movement in Germany.
Theater of the suppressed, demonstrations, land and house occupations, ... and self organized local centers like community kitchens and "open" spaces. These are some of the different aspects of a movement for social and environmental change. What is the purpose or importance of different kinds of direct actions in grassroots movements.

The type of the session: Report about Germany, Exchange of experiences, General ideas about direct action
The anticipated duration of the session:  90 min

RAGA (Red and Green Alternatives - Kızıl ve Yeşil Alternatifler) Buluşması’na Davet

5 Temmuz 2012 (Perşembe) – 8 Temmuz 2012 (Pazar)

Yer: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksek Okulu, Maçka Kampüsü-İstanbul, Türkiye.

RAGA,  Red and Green Alternatives’in kısaltması, yani kızıl ve yeşil alternatifler…Politik, toplumsal ve ekoloji açısından, bir ihtiyacı karşılayan genel bir isim olarak doğdu. Türkiye’nin son bir kaç yıldır ekoloji hareketine damgasını vuran bir mücadelenin devam etmekte olduğu bir ülke olması ve  küresel bir desteğe ihtiyaç duyulması nedeniyle bu ilk buluşma yeri olarak İstanbul, seçildi.

RAGA, Avrupa Sosyal Forumu sırasında Fransa’dan katılan politik ekoloji grubuyla bir tanışma ve ortak çalışma yapma fikri üzerine görüşmelerle başladı. Les Alternatifs ve Yeşil ve Sol’un ortak fikriyle Dünya’da ki  kızıl ve yeşil alternatiflerin buluşmasına karar verildi.

İki grupta ilk başta Avrupa’dan başlayarak dünya genelinde ulaşabildikleri herkesi imza metnine çağrıcı olarak davet etti. Bu uzun süren görüşmeler ve davetler sonunda gerçek anlamda ilk organizasyon şekillendi. Bu çağrıya resmi olarak cevap veren ilk gruplar Les Alternatifs (Fransa), Alliance for Green Socialism (Britanya) , Mouvement des Objecteurs de Croissance (Fransa),. Ardından , Los Alternativos – Alternativa Roja y Verde (İspanya), Grupo de Contacto RAGA (Brezilya)  katılımcı oldular.

Bu buluşmaya katılanlardan bazıları; Türkiye’den Yeşil ve Sol ; “Nükleer Karşıtı Mücadele” , “Tohum ve Gıda Güvenliği” konusunda, Ekoloji Kolektifi; “21.Yüzyılda Mücadeleler ve Saldırılar” , Karadeniz İsyandadır Platformu; “Yerel Mücadelelerin Kentlerdeki Yansımaları…” konusunda, Yeryüzüne Özgürlük Derneği; ”Türcülük ve Hayvan Hakları” konusunda,AKÇEP-BAÇEP- EGEÇEP; “Mücadele Deneyimleri” başlıklarıyla bu buluşmada yer alıyorlar.

Raga; genel anlamıyla standart bir sosyal forum değil, çözüm üretici ve teorik-pratik anlamda deneyimlerin bir araya gelmesi bakımından genellikle atölyeler  ağırlıkta olacak . Ekoloji mücadelelerinin yoğunlaştığı Türkiye, Avrupa, Latin Amerika deneyimlerinin yeni bir birlik oluşturması için bir ilk adım olması hedefleniyor.    5-8 Temmuz tarihleri arasında İstanbul İTÜ’de gerçekleşecek olan  RAGA (Red and Green Alternatives) buluşmasına herkes aktif katılımcı olarak davetlidir.


RAGA Basın Komisyonu

                                                                                                                  İrtibat Telefonları :
                                                                                                                Ofis   212.293 67 38
                                                                                                                Gsm  530.143 41 32                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                     Ofis Adresi :
                                                                                       İstiklal Caddesi.Süslü Saklı Sokak.No:13 Kat 2

Monday, July 2, 2012

21. Yüzyılda Mücadeleler Ve Saldırılar

Etkinliği öneren grup/kişi/oluşumun adı:  Ekoloji Kolektifi

Oturumun tarifi ve açıklaması

Saldırılar: Yeşil Ekonomiyle İklim Değişimine Tam Gaz (Stefo Benlisoy)
Yanıtlar: Yeşil Kapitalizme Karşı Ekososyalizm (Klaus Engert)
Mücadeleler: Türkiye'de Ekososyalist Mücadele (Fevzi Özlüer)
Mücadelenin Lokomotifi: Kadınlar (Ecehan Balta)

Oturumun şekli:   Panel

Oturum için öngörülen süre:  Dört saat.

Struggles and Attacks in the 21st Century

The host organization: Ekoloji Kolektifi

The description/explanation of the session  

Attacks: Full Force towards Climate Change with Green Economy (Stefo Benlisoy)
Responses: Ecosocialism vs. Green Capitalism (Klaus Engert)
Struggles: Ecosocialist Struggle in Turkey (Fevzi Özlüer)
The Leading Force of the Struggle: Women (Ecehan Balta)

The type of the session: Panel

The anticipated duration of the session: 4 hours